Greetings, AGT Families!
Spring is in the air and we are full of great events and programs for you! We have something for everyone, so please be sure to take a look at our upcoming events. Highlights include Lunch & Learn with Love & Logic specialist Catherine Marrs set for March 22 and the ever-popular Family Game Night scheduled for April 26. We look forward to seeing you at these and other CFBISD events.
We also have some larger news for which we need your help as we stay tuned with the 86th session of the Texas Legislature. The GT Allotment is at risk for being rolled into the Basic Allotment. We need to be prepared to advocate for GT education and programs. Connect with TAGT Advocacy to find out ways you can help protect GT funding:
House Bill 3: Call to Action
TAGT recognizes the leadership of Representative Dan Huberty and State Representatives who have worked on House Bill 3, increasing funding for our public schools. In many ways, House Bill 3 appears to be a positive step forward for public education.
However, the repeal of the G/T allotment may further deemphasize the importance of G/T education in Texas. TAGT asks Texas legislators to remove the G/T allotment (Section 42.156) from the sections being repealed from HB3. This allows for the G/T allotment to continue to support G/T students in Texas.
What can you do? TAGT encourages members to take the following steps:
- Find your legislators and their contact information
- Share the TAGT Call to Action with your personal contacts
- View our quick start guide to advocacy and determine what you can do to help
- Write a letter to your legislator. TAGT has provided a Sample Letter on HB3 that can serve as a base. However, we strongly recommend youcustomize/personalize this sample letter; form letters are not nearly as impactful.
- Public testimony on HB3 will occur Tuesday, March 12, in Austin. Schedule for testimony is not available yet. If you would like to take part in this public testimony, contact TAGT by Monday, March 11 at 12 p.m., so we can provide you with more information and guidance.
Though some of the timelines on this notices have passed, it is never too late to get involved.
We are in this together -
Your CFBISD 2018-2019 AGT Board |
Thinking About Multiple Intelligences
Often when our children are young, we hesitate to label them as “smart.” Are we bragging? Sometimes we know our child exhibits intelligence, but it is not something that can be measured in the normal way we may see in preschool tests. In fact, there is no one way to be smart, no one way to measure the intelligence of a person. People have different gifts, and their areas of strength and challenge are often not something based in grades or numbers.
In 1983, a developmental psychologist named Howard Gardner strove to identify multiple types of intelligences that broke the mold on being counted as smart only if you are good at math, languages, or taking tests. Take a look at this infographic to see the variety:
Even in the many years after Gardner’s work, his theory is still something that is discussed with a dose of controversy. Things like interpersonal intelligence -- are they skills that can be learned and practiced or is it something that some are more gifted at than others? What is the influence of nature vs. nurture? And is it harmful to a child’s development to try to identify a group in which they fit? Is it constrictive? It also asks us to think about what we mean when we educate our children, and what skills and ideas we place as more important, as compared to those to which we give less emphasis.
One thing we can take from this theory is that it can be a useful tool -- to understand the gifts or talents your child may have naturally, and how to nurture them or teach them to use their strengths to gain self-confidence. As an aware parent, one can also look for the areas in which your child may ask for extra support, and understand that being great in one area does not mean that is expected that your child will excel in everything, and also that your child’s specific talent is just as valuable as another.
Free TAGT Webinar -- Early notice!
Join TAGT and your fellow parents of gifted and talented children on Tuesday, September 25, at 6:30 p.m. for a free parent webinar, 5 Essentials of Parenting Gifted Kids. The webinar will be presented by Dr. Lynette Breedlove, director of The Carol Martin Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science in Kentucky and parent to two sons.
Be a part of the first-ever NPR Student Podcast Challenge!
NPR is inviting students around the country to create a podcast, then — with the help of a teacher — compete for a chance to win our grand prize and have your work appear on NPR.
Submissions are open NOW through March 31.
Read more about the full rules and details here!
The Texas GT Allotment at Risk
The Texas Commission on Public School Finance Report dated December 31, 2018 recommends the reallocation of the Gifted and Talented Allotment Funds to the Basic Allotment to more efficiently distribute funding to school districts.
(The “basic allotment,” is the amount of state and local funding a district receives to cover the costs of providing a basic instructional program to an “average” student in an “average” district.
The GT Allotment (
designated state
provides additional funding for programs and services for gifted and talented students.) You can read more about the Commission's report here.
The 86th session of the Texas Legislature is now in session and may consider this Commission's recommendations. Advocacy for GT educational programing is our top priority. Be sure to stay informed and reach out to your elected lawmakers to advocate for gifted education. Fortunately, any changes to the current GT allotment statute in the Texas Education Code must go through the legislative process. Strong advocacy is key to protecting the GT Allotment.
As individual GT parents, if you are concerned about potential loss to our GT programs, you can take one or more of these steps:
- Be prepared to contact your Senator and Representative if a bill is filed that would eliminate the GT Allotment. You can find out who your legislators are here.
- Sign up here for GT legislative news (free) from TAGT and to be notified if a bill is filed.
- If your Senator or Representative is on the Senate or House Education Committee, your voice is especially important. Please consider building connections with your local lawmakers and letting them know that GT funding is important to your family.
For more information download this flyer...
- Follow the links given above and the welcome letter to contact your representative.
- Not sure what to say? Use our sample statement on behalf of CFBAGT:
CFB Association for the Gifted and Talented
Carrollton Farmers Branch Association for the Gifted and Talented, a TAGT affiliated parent support organization, supporting gifted education in CFB ISD, stands strongly opposed to any proposal to diminish or eliminate the Gifted and Talented Allotment in Texas. Maintenance of this funding stream is essential to meet state standards for the identification of and provision of services to gifted students. Precedent in other states demonstrates that minority populations and economically disadvantaged students will be disproportionately harmed by decrease in dedicated funding.
Congratulations to CFBISD Reflections Awards Winners!
Two of our winners are going on to Nationals with the Overall Award of Excellence:
Micah Patterson
Overall Award of Excellence
High School Dance Choreography
"Letting Go"
Creekview High School PTSA
Zoey Woodson
Overall Award of Excellence
Special Artist Photography
"Firemen who Saved My Life"
Las Colinas Elementary PTA
Congratulations to all of our wonderful entries and winners!
You can find the complete list here.
We had a great time at the March 9th Gardening Class! Thanks to all who came out to make it a success!
Seeds were planted and previously grown veggies harvested. Please stay tuned mark your calendars for vegetable harvest on May 4th.
Transition to Middle School
Thanks to all of you for your interest in making this event a great success! Attached are the handouts from the event -- please contact us if you would like more details.
Multicultural Night @ McCoy Elementary
Date: April 12
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Location: McCoy Elementary
Night Of Science at UTD
April 13 @ 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm CDT
Noche de Ciencias
A national program to promote knowledge and interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) among the Hispanic Community.
- Fun hands-on STEM activities for K-12 students
- College information for students and parents
- Bilingual workshops for parents
- Free food!
For more information please contact
AGT Board Meeting
If you are interested in volunteering with the AGT Board or finding out more about what we do, please join us at our next Board Meeting.
Please email us for details. |
CFBAGT has been around for over 40 years. We are a group of parents and educators advocating for gifted programs in CFBISD. We are definitely in this together.
Please Join us!
Renew your AGT membership today! |
••• External Resources •••
Links to resources outside of CFBISD...
AGT is committed to serving gifted youth in our community. Financial Support may be available to CFBISD GT student organizations. Contact the AGT Board for consideration.